Cancer Research related Databases
This page provides links to various databases related to cancer research
  1. CancerDR: Cancer Drug Resistance Database
  2. CancerPPD: Database of Anticancer Peptides & Proteins

  3. Following links provided by CanceRes

  4. Breast Cancer Database
  5. Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) Data Set
  6. Familial Cancer Database
  7. Genes-to-Systems Breast Cancer Database
  8. Lung Cancer DataBase
  9. National Cancer Data Base (NCDB)
  10. On-Line Breast Cancer Mutation Data Base
  11. Pancreatic Expression Database
  12. Physician Data Query (PDQ)
  13. Prostate Cancer Database
  14. The Systems Biology Researcher Databases
  15. The Tumor Gene Familyof Databases
  16. CanGeneBase (CGB)
  17. Library of integrated network based cellular signatures (LINCS) -at Broad Institute
  18. TARGET Db (NCI)
  19. 1000 Genomes Db (NCI)
  20. Cancer Literature in PubMed
  21. cancer genome workbench
  22. The Consensus CDS (CCDS) project
  23. Sequence Read Archive (NCBI)
  24. The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA)
  25. NGS Catalog
  26. Cancer Gene Expression Database (CGED)
  27. Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP)(NCI)
  28. Cancer Genome Characterization Initiative (CGCI) (NCI)
  29. Gene Expression Data Portal (GEDP)
  30. Human Genome Center
  31. BioExpress Oncology Suite
  32. Oncomime
  33. SBM DB
  34. BMC Databases list
  35. ETSI-med
  36. BCERF Cancer Databases
  37. PDQ- NCI's Comprehensive Cancer Database
  38. CANCERMondial ( Cancer Epidemiolgy Databases )
  39. IARC TP53 Database
  40. SEER (NCI)
  41. COSMIC
  42. GENT: Gene Expression Database of Normal and Tumor Tissues
  43. dbEST (NCBI)
  44. G-DOC Db
  45. The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) project
  46. Cell Line Ontology
  47. Human Cancer Proteome Variation Database
  48. Human Cancer Proteome Variation Database
  49. Genome Medicine Database of Japan
  50. GenomeWeb (List of Human mutation databases)
  51. NCTR Liver Cancer Database (NCTRlcdb)
  52. Myc cancer gene
  53. Pancreatic Cancer Gene Database
  54. Cervical Cancer Gene Dababase
  55. The Roche Cancer Genome Database
  56. Colon cancer gene variant databases
  57. Cancer gene list
  58. Cancer genetics web (list of 606 cancer related genes)
  59. RTCGD: Retrovirus and Transposon tagged Cancer Gene Database
  60. MutationView/KMcancerDB
  61. NAR cancer Db list
  62. EnviroChem and Cancer Database (ECCD)
  63. Genes-to-Systems Breast Cancer Database
  64. Database and interaction network of genes involved in oral cancer: Version II
  65. The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB)
  66. Our Lung Cancer DataBase
  67. CanGEM
  68. Cancer Genes-Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
  69. Renal Cancer gene Database (RCDB)
  70. The mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)
  71. F-Census Database
  72. OMIM (NCBI)
  73. Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
  76. Tumor Associated Gene
  77. DNA- Tumor Suppressor and Oncogene Database
  78. CAMi-Finder
  79. CaSNP (copy number alteration (CNA) from SNP arrays)
  80. Liverome
  81. Resource:Tumor Associated Gene database
  82. Gene Therapy Clinical Trial Database
  83. KEGG Cancer resource
  84. The Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB)
  85. Dragon Database of Genes Implicated in Prostate Cancer
  86. Mouse Tumor Biology Db
  87. Caner gene expression database
  88. CAPRIS
  89. Leukemia Gene Database
  90. MethyCancer
  91. cancer genes' loci listing (UCSF)
  92. OEGE - Online Encyclopedia for Genetic Epidemiology studies
  93. Cancer Gene Data Sets
  94. Cancer Gene Census
  95. Pathway Interaction Database (NCI)
  96. A database on alternative splice forms on the Integrated Genetic Map Service (IGMS)
  98. Catalog of cancer Dbs
  99. Cancer related immunological Gene Database
  100. DNA database to defeat cancer
  101. CAGE Db
  102. Mismatch Repair Genes Variant Database
  103. NHGRI (NIH)
  104. Cancer Portal
  105. Cancer genetic markers of susceptibility (NCI)
  106. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)(NCI)
  107. Progenetix - genomic copy number aberrations in cancer
  108. CSHL cancer databases
  109. Cancer Program Databases
  110. Integrative OncoGenomics (IntOGen)
  111. The Cancer Genome Atlas (NIH)
  112. Gene Expression Database
  113. Developmental Therapeutics Programme NCI/NIH
  114. The Tumor Gene Family of Databases
  115. Therapeutic Target Database
  116. Database of Essential Genes
  117. Genetic Association Database
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